Diseases and thier Causes
The disharmony and imbalance of the Dosha, Dhathu , Mala and Agni in the body
is the primary condition of the ill health. The Dosha can be vitiated mainly by two
ways normally and abnormally. The dosha behave in different patterns and elicit
various signs and symptoms in regard to their vitiation, direction of spreading
area of localization and manifestation. The normal vitiation is produced by the
inevitable and natural factors like seasonal variations, diurnal variations and
various stages of digestion.
This type of variation is easy to treat and often it
doesn’t require any treatment as the conditions subside automatically. Abnormal
vitiation of dosha is caused by deliberate exposure to specific etiological factors,
both external and internal. That is abuse of functions of sense organs, wrong
bodily habits, suppression of body urges, ill food habits, avoidance of seasonal
and daily regimens. Incompatible combination of food, lack of body care and
preservation of health, constant exposure of mind to bad feelings like greed,
jealousy, anger etc.
The treatment in ayurveda can be classified broadly into
1. Sodhana Chikitsa ( purification therapy)
2. Shamana Chikitsa ( eliminating therapy )
Yoga deals primarily with the management of
our mind through which man can spiritually uplift themselves. Yoga gives practical
and scientific techniques for finding and experiencing the truth of our self. As every
science has its own method of investigation, so also the science of yoga has its own
scientific method. There is eight fold path ( Ashtanga yoga ) for developing mind
and body. Through these methods one can control ‘Prana’ the vital force inside
each and every one of us.
Learn more about Yoga